This is how much money you're losing to churn

published on 04 July 2024

Churn is the invisible killer of SaaS businesses. While it's easy to focus on new customer acquisition, the silent drain of existing customers can significantly impact your bottom line. Let's look at some typical scenarios to illustrate just how much money SaaS businesses might be losing to churn.

Scenario 1: Early-Stage SaaS Startup

  • Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR): $500,000
  • Number of Customers: 200
  • Average Revenue Per User (ARPU): $2,500
  • Monthly Churn Rate: 5%

In this scenario, the company is losing 10 customers per month, which translates to $25,000 in lost MRR each month. Over a year, this adds up to $300,000 in lost revenue - a staggering 60% of their current ARR!

Scenario 2: Growing Mid-Size SaaS Company

  • ARR: $5 million
  • Number of Customers: 1,000
  • ARPU: $5,000
  • Monthly Churn Rate: 2%

This company is losing 20 customers per month, equating to $100,000 in lost MRR. Annually, this results in $1.2 million in lost revenue - nearly a quarter of their current ARR.

Scenario 3: Established Enterprise SaaS Provider

  • ARR: $50 million
  • Number of Customers: 5,000
  • ARPU: $10,000
  • Monthly Churn Rate: 1%

Even with a lower churn rate, this company is still losing 50 customers per month, or $500,000 in MRR. Over a year, this amounts to $6 million in lost revenue.

The Hidden Costs of Churn

These scenarios only account for direct revenue loss. The true cost of churn is often much higher when you consider:

  1. Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC): You'll need to spend more to replace churned customers.
  2. Lost Upsell Opportunities: Churned customers can't be upsold or cross-sold to.
  3. Negative Word-of-Mouth: Unhappy ex-customers might discourage potential new customers.
  4. Reduced Lifetime Value: Churn shortens the average customer lifespan, reducing overall LTV.

For more insights on how churn impacts your business, check out our guide on how to calculate and improve your customer lifetime value.

The Compounding Effect of Churn Reduction

Even small reductions in churn can have significant impacts:

Scenario 2 Revisited: If the mid-size company reduces its monthly churn from 2% to 1.5%:

  • Monthly revenue saved: $25,000
  • Annual revenue saved: $300,000

This 0.5% reduction in churn rate results in saving 6% of ARR annually!

Strategies to Reduce Churn

Given the substantial financial impact of churn, implementing effective retention strategies is crucial. Some key approaches include:

  1. Enhancing onboarding processes
  2. Implementing proactive customer success programs
  3. Regularly gathering and acting on customer feedback
  4. Continuously improving your product

For a comprehensive list of strategies, refer to our article on top 10 customer retention strategies for businesses.

Remember, reducing churn is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and refinement. By implementing effective retention strategies, you can significantly reduce the amount of money you're losing to churn and boost your company's growth and profitability.

To get a clearer picture of how churn is impacting your specific business and to develop targeted strategies to combat it, consider leveraging data analytics. Our guide on utilizing data analytics to predict and prevent churn provides valuable insights on this approach.


Hi. It's Mark here.

I'm starting a course and bespoke service for those who want to beat churn and retain revenue. If you are losing more than 50k/ARR then this is the service for you.

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Anti-Churn Academy

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